Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
October 12th 2022

Returning to Egypt?

…the Lord has told you, You are not to go that way again. Deut. 17:16b (NIV)

 Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 17:16

The word Egypt‚ when used in a biblical and spiritual context symbolizes bondage, oppression and worldliness. The Israelites were enslaved in the land of Egypt. They were made to work under harsh and terrible conditions without any compensation. In fact, when king Pharaoh (who did not know Joseph) realized that the Israelites’ population was immense, he ordered the killing of Jewish babies at birth. Due to this history, Egypt is a place of perpetuating enslavement.

God’s warning not to return to Egypt means that someone is about to go back to the old lifestyle that God detests. It means someone is about to compromise their righteous standard. Why do you want to return to the old lifestyle of sin and death when Christ Jesus has freely given you life in abundance? Why are you about to comprise your stand in Christ Jesus for temporal gain?

Instead of returning to your old vomit, we encourage you to hold on to God’s word. Patiently wait for the fulfilment of God’s promises because God is ever faithful to His word. Hold on to Him and fix your gaze on Him. Don’t comprise because you left the path of destruction a long time ago when you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. Beloved, don’t go back for there is light at the end of the tunnel, and God is able to do according to His word.

Daily Confession: Lord, I refuse to return to Egypt. I choose to look unto You and I believe I will not be put to shame.

Intercessory prayer: God restores those who have compromised their faith due to issues of life in Jesus’ name.

Hymn: Standing on the promises of Christ my King

Through eternal ages let His praises ring

Glory in the highest I will shout and sing

Standing on the promises of God.