Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
September 21st 2023

Selfless Love (II)

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind – Matthew 22:37 [NIV]

Bible Reading: Matthew 22:34-40

Loving God is foundational, and obedience is function of our love for God. That we obey is because we love. Partial obedience, obedience out of compulsion, fear and timidity is no obedience at all for all actions are judged based on our intentions and motives. Reciprocity is essential in establishing a relationship. In this case, God first loved us (1 John), and we are to love Him in return. Who or what we give our heart to determine who our attention will go to; it tells a lot about who we will obey, honour, fear or reverence.

In today’s reading, Jesus Christ was asked what the greatest commandment was and he replied on dual levels, God and man which centres on love. If we don’t love God, then the essence of Christ’s sacrifice for our redemption that aims to make us will amount to nothing. How do we love God? Love Him with all your heart, soul and mind; let Him be the centre of your focus. Love is personal; it starts with having a relationship with God, be an ardent pursuer of God regardless, and a God chaser. As you work in that office, study in that school or even sell among other traders, and your daily living, let the love of Christ show forth in you. Reach out to others the love of Christ that has been shown unto you. You can preach the gospel, encourage people through the words of your mouth, give unto others, the list is endless. And in whatever you do, do it unto God. Jesus seeks for true friendship in me; for He is my friend. Friends know themselves. If I am His true friend, I will always obey Him.

Self-Reflection: Do you know Jesus? Does He know you as a friend? We can find truest friend in Jesus but can He really find a true friend in me?

Prayer: Even when obedience is hurtful, Lord help me to still obey You with joy and gladness. Cause me to make you the centre of my focus and to love you with the whole of my life. Amen

Action Point: Evaluate your love for God. Is God your priority?

Intercessory prayer: May God bless and keep missionaries.

Hymn: Wonderful story of love

Tell it to me again

Wonderful story of love

Wake the immortal strain

Angels with rapture announce it…