Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 19th 2023

Soar Like the Eagle

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they shall soar on wings like eagles” Isaiah 40:31

Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31

There is something peculiar about the eagle‚ the eagle soars! It releases itself unto the wind so that the wind carries it. It doesn’t struggle with the wing by flapping against it, rather it spreads its wings wide to be carried by it. What an amazing strategy to apply in our walk with God! The eagle is one of the birds that soars because it has learnt this strategy and this knowledge has placed it ahead of other birds. It reaches high altitude that many birds cannot attain. Perhaps other birds do not soar because they haven’t learnt to release themselves unto the wind to carry them. Rather, they try to control the flow of the wind.

Strength is key to every undertaking and we have been called to receive strength from God in order to soar like the eagles. The only thing required to access this strength is to wait on God because it is from Him that all blessings flow. I can imagine the time of waiting of the eagle on the mountains. During that period, it shed its wings, sharpens its claws and waits earnestly for the time of manifestation. People who will make impact will definitely have their time of waiting. Waiting on God in our secret places; trusting God on issues of life and releasing our heart unto Him even as we watch and pray are part of the process. So, in order to soar, it is important we learn to trust God, release ourselves unto Him just like the eagle so that He can carry us on His shoulder and be ready for many lonely times which are for our making and grooming. May God give us understand this truth! Amen.

Self-Reflection: Be still and know that I am God.

Daily Confession: Lord, thank You for Your word again. I receive the grace to wait patiently on You and learn to soar with You. Help me Lord to know that You are God and teach me how to be still.

Action Point: Read at least a book on the subject of ‘Waiting and Soaring’ before the of the year.

Intercessory prayer: Lord Jesus I pray that you connect our children to right relationships.

Hymn: We have a firm foundation,
Whose hope is in the Lord;
We have a blessed haven,
Who anchor in His word;
Though surges break around us,
And clouds our sky may dim,
He will not leave to perish
One soul that clings to Him.