Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 6th 2022

Strategies for New Beginning (I)

Your Attitude to a New Beginning

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go? Joshua 1:9 [AMP]

Bible Reading: Joshua 1:9

Every season has certain attitude and responsibility that goes with it. For instance, during the raining season, the responsibility of planting is important. Joshua was overwhelmed as the new leader of the Israelites. He knew that there are lots of expectations; resolutions, challenges, opportunities and rewards ahead and he does not want to fail, hence, he was troubled, anxious and discouraged. Perhaps he was terrified because he had seen the rebellious and recalcitrant attitude of the people, and the huge task of leading the people to the Promised Land.

God has lots of promises to fulfil for you this New Year, many commitments, and expectations you have to fulfil and perhaps like Joshua, you are worried and terrified. You may even have resolutions, and decisions to serve God with the whole of your life; live to please Him; love your family, live a holy life; acquire new skills, and be equipped for the journey ahead. But the thought of fulfilling these resolutions till the end burdens you because you are not consistent. God is calling you to put on the right attitude: faith rather than fear; joy rather than sorrow; positive attitudes that connotes that with God, nothing is impossible. God sends His words of comfort your way today that you should never be discouraged, but be courageous, present all things unto Him in prayer and His everabiding Presence will be with you.

Self-Reflection: Your attitude is important to every situation including the beginning.

Action Point: Present all things unto Him in prayer!

Daily Confession: I handle every situation with the right approach, mindset, and attitude in Jesus name. I am full of faith and I refuse to be sorrowful or fearful because I know whom I believe Christ Jesus.

Intercessory prayer: Help our leaders to think right and to serve us selflessly.

Hymn: Be strong and courageous and bold;

Be strong and courageous and bold.

Away with fear, for God will be near

Be strong and courageous and bold.