Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 8th 2022

Strategies for New Beginning (III)

Strategic Alliance

So Joshua ordered the officers of the people: Go through the camp and tell the people, Get your suppliers ready. Three days from now will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you for your own. Joshua 1:10-11 [NIV]

Bible Reading: Joshua 1:10-11

After God’s encouragement unto Joshua, the next step is to arise, occupy, take control and create strategies that are necessary for the task. As a Christian, you are saddled with the responsibility to take charge (Luke 19:13). Remember God instructed Joshua to continually meditate on His word because that’s the source of life, light, and success (Joshua 1:8). The Holy Spirit also gives man understanding, instructions, enlightenment, and creativity to help strategize on the moves that will be effective. 2 Peter 1:3 further confirms that God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Jesus Christ. The questions are how much of His word do you know? How faithful are you to studying, meditating, and living the life of the word of God?

Joshua’s instruction reveals another strategy necessary for the fulfilment of the tasks: preparation and proper planning. Adequate preparation and proper planning are important to any undertaking because a soldier does not prepare on the battle field. You must daily be prepared first for the Second Coming of Christ by continually living a holy life; secure everyday as you meet with God in your daily devotion and family altar. Pray to redeem time (Ephesians. 5:16), study hard as a student (2 Timothy. 2:15), and acquire skills and knowledge for the vision and mission ahead (Psalm 78:72). Joshua partnered with God and his instruction prepared the people for the crossing and taking possession of the land. We must plan and prepare to partner with the Holy Spirit for a guaranteed success.

Self-Reflection: How strategic are you in addressing problems? Did you know that the Holy Spirit inspires us into right strategies and approach to solve problems?

Action Point: Develop right strategies to tackle problems

Intercessory prayer: I pray for my parents, mentors and leaders for grace for strategic thinking.

Hymn: As I trust You, Christ my Lord,

As I lean my life on Your living Word,

Then rest is rest love is pure,

Life is life, every step, secure

As I trust You, Christ my Lord,

As I trust You, Christ my Lord.