Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
June 12th 2021

The Fulness Thereof
“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”. Psalm 24:1
Bible Reading: Psalm 24
Aren’t you glad that the earth belongs to the Lord? Although God gave man the earth to take charge and to care for, I’m happy God still rules in the affairs of men (Daniel 4:17). King David was a successful king over the Israelites but He knew a higher King— the King of kings! David’s psalm is a declaration that the whole world belongs to the Lord God. God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. King David was declaring God’s ultimate ownership of the earth. He was acknowledging and reinforcing God’s authority and sovereignty. As amazing as this may sound, there is more: God owns the fulness in and of the earth. By fulness, it means everything the world contains— its wealth, abundance, overflow, and yield. Also both humans and non-humans alike belong to God. In short, the world belongs to God, together with all those who dwell within its borders.
What are the implication of this magnificent statement? It should provoke a deep reverence for God. This means that when we think about the earth and its fulness, we are to stand in awe of God and fear Him. Also, it should help us to have absolute confidence in God. This unchanging truth should translate from a mere believe to provoke faith in action in our every day life. It should help us see God in everything around us— no matter the situation. It should also move us to continually take charge and care of the earth because it belongs to our Heavenly Father and we are only custodians. Perhaps if we can meditate more on this revelation, the hunger to know God more and seek His face will come upon us so that we continually look to Him. This will also help us to trust Him to help to be faithful stewards of the resources He has given us. Finally, the fulness of the earth as created by God reveals that we serve God of abundance who continually pour His extravagant love unto His children. We can call upon Him at anytime and we can come to Him the way we are knowing that if we truly yield to Him, we will never remain the way we came to Him.
Daily Confession: Because the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof, I declare God’s authority in my life in Jesus name.
Intercessory prayer: Pray that God’s abundance will locate people and families who are in need of help in every aspect of their life.
Hymn: All things bright and beautiful,
All creature great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all.