Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
June 26th 2022

The Lord My Strength

I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Philippians. 4:13

Bible Reading: Nehemiah 13

By God’s grace, Nehemiah, Ezra, other leaders and the people completed all the reforms necessary for the land of Israel. Nehemiah’s walk with God reveals among other things that God truly gives strength to those who choose to genuinely humble themselves before the Lord and walk in His ways. The life of Nehemiah symbolizes the fulfillment of the promise of God in 2Chronicles 16:9, For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give STRONG support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. Indeed, we are reminded that as long as we choose to walk in the ways of the Lord, God’s presence strengthens and gives us confidence to live for him. And when the journey gets tough, remember the life of Nehemiah and be an encouragement. Imagine the difficulties and challenges he faced and the successes He recorded through God’s strength. He was ultimately victorious.

Dear friend, wherever you live, know that you are on a mission to live for God and reconcile men to Christ. His strength will see you through just like in the life of Nehemiah and his people.

Self-Reflection: By the arm of flesh shall no man prevail.

Action Point: Summarize the main points youve learned so far from the book of Nehemiah.

Daily Confession: I thank You Lord for strength. I receive Your strength to prevail and fulfil Your purpose in all that I do in Jesus name.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for your children, children in foster homes and orphanages for God’s strength and encouragement as they journey through life.

Hymn: O God, our help in ages past,

Our hope for years to come,

Our shelter from the stormy blast,

And our eternal home.