Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 5th 2024

The Lord’s Word (IV)

… He leads me beside the still and quiet waters. Psalm 23:3 [AMP]

Bible Reading: Psalm 23

We all need refreshing and renewal.

A while ago I was praying for a couple at church during the altar call at church, I sensed a deep desire and hunger for more of God. After the prayers, we got talking and they shared with me their experience serving at a local church without being nourished in return. After a series of hurt, they felt God wanted them to move out of that church and go to a place where they could be replenished, revived and healed after many years of serving and giving without being refilled. 

No matter how anointed, prayerful, and wordy you are, you need to be refilled, renewed and nourished. The Psalmist points us to this essence. He reiterates that the Good Shepherd will lead us to a place of refreshing, renewal and replenishing. You may have been in a dry season, God wants you to be and feel alive again. He wants to bless you so that you may experience life in abundance. Dear friends, God is bringing you to the place of renewing. As you spend quality time praying, studying, meditating and doing his word, you are breaking up your fallow ground (Hosea 10:12). The still water is not rushing, rather it is a place to clean the sheep, wash them of any dirt and even clean their wounds if there’s any. God is committed to bring His word to pass, to clean, mend and wash you. Like that couple I prayed for, I encourage you to act on God’s word today. Set yourself apart to seek the Lord.

Self-Reflection: Think about areas of your life you need God to lead you to a place of refreshing and healing.

Action Point: Different churches have embarked on prayer and fasting as the year commences, I encourage you to participate. Declare a fast for yourself and your family and spend time to pray and dig deep into God’s word.

Intercessory prayer: God heal and revive your children who have laboured in your vineyard and have experienced hurt and dryness in Jesus name.

Hymn: Showers of blessings

Showers of blessings we need

Mercy drop round us are falling

But for the shower we need.