Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 2nd 2021

The Name of Jesus
O Lord our God, how excellent is your name in all the earth! Who has set thy glory above the heavens.
Bible Reading: Philippians 2:9-11
In today’s devotional, we will encourage one another on the importance and the potency of the name of Jesus. The name Jesus was announced by Angel Gabriel in Matthew 1:21 when he visited Mary. The name Jesus means Saviour, “for he shall save his people from their sins”. Jesus Christ is our saviour, our deliverer and He is our hope. He has come to save us from sins and destruction, there is no other name that can set free other than the name of Jesus. Only the name of Jesus can break the grip of sin and redeem us from the power of sins. At the mention of His name, demons flee and the captives are set free. The name of Jesus is all-powerful, it brings peace and great joy. Today’s memory verse describes the name of Jesus as being excellent in all the earth. It is greater than any other name that we have ever known or will ever know on earth. I encourage us today to call upon the name of Jesus in all areas of our lives where we may be experiencing one challenge or the other. Beyond challenges, it is lovely and powerful to have the name of Jesus on our lips and believe in the name with our heart. There is power in the name of Jesus; power to heal, power to restore, power to deliver and power to save. If you haven’t believe in the Person of Jesus, Jesus is calling you unto Himself today so that His name can work for you. Accept Jesus and run away from sin and the name of Jesus will be effectual and effective in your life.
Action Point: Call upon the name of the Lord today and you and your household will be saved.
Intercessory prayer: Let us pray for divine visitation for our friends and families that are yet to experience the power that is in the name of Jesus.
Hymn: There’s power in the name of Jesus.
Power in the name of Jesus.
Power in the name of Jesus,
No other name I know.