Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 17th 2022

They Have Been with Jesus

They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus Acts 4:13 [NKJV]

Bible Reading: Acts 4:10-13

My heart cry for every user of this devotional is that your allegiance, love, direction, devotion, purpose, and thought will be Jesus Christ. May Christ be formed in you and your life draw others to Jesus Christ as you daily abide in Him. May you be His bondservant whose sole ambition and focus will be to please the Master. May you set the Lord always before you and rejoice in Him (Psalm 16:8). This ambition can only be achieved in Jesus Christ.

Our reading today unveils an important aspect of our walk with God. There is no one who is with God that wont be recognized that s/he has been with Him even if you are unlearned. If there is someone that one would have taught wont be recognized has been with Jesus Christ was Apostle Peter. Apostle Peter denied Jesus thrice and he returned to fishing after Jesus death. Yet, when the Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father came upon Apostle Peter including other disciples on the day of Pentecost, people around recognized that they have been with Jesus. No matter who you are or what you have done, come to Jesus because He saves and He makes the difference.

God’s Spirit transforms us because we become children of God who shine forth God’s light for the world to see. Do you think your colleagues, neighbours, course mates, friends etc. cannot recognize that you have been with Jesus? People know even if they are not Christians because there is something about the life of Christ in us that everyone can recognize. Remember that Christ’s disciples were first called Christians in Antioch because people saw Christ’s attributes in them (Acts 11:26).

Furthermore, God’s Spirit empowers us to function according to the Father’s will. He gives unction to meet people’s need as we see timid disciple Peter become a bold Apostle of Christ. His single preaching brought 3,000 souls to Christ. Dear friends, God is calling you to Himself today. A call for you to journey with Him, allow Him work in your life so that His light can shine through you and people can testify that you have been with Jesus.

Action Point: Stay committed in your walk to grow in Him.

Daily Confession: May my allegiance, love, direction, devotion, purpose, and thought will be Jesus Christ.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for the salvation of anyone in your family, office and your network who is yet to know Jesus Christ.

Hymn: I need thee oh I need thee

Every hour I need thee

Oh, bless me now my savior

I come to thee.