Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
September 12th 2023

Time to Retreat

After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone. Matthew 14:23 (NIV)

Bible Reading: Mark 6:45-47

“A way to make people rest” a doctor said‚ “is to prescribe bed rest because many people are so occupied that they are using up their strength without gaining more. They don’t need drugs, they only need to rest and that will relax and recuperate their lost energy”. In fact, in some cases, patients’ phones and other access to the public are disconnected so that they can be alone and rest. That is a form of retreat!

The word‚ retreat is used by several institutions. Regardless of where it is used, it has a similar meaning and understanding of refuge, reflection, recuperation, and withdrawal to renew strength and re-strategize. For instance, when used in the military, it means a withdrawal of military force, and when used in spiritual sense, it means to be alone with God for spiritual renewal. Also, organizations constantly go on retreats to evaluate their activities, and plan for future operations.

Jesus Christ, our perfect example understood what it means to retreat. He knew times and seasons. For instance, He knew when to be alone to seek God’s face, when to exit the crowd, and when to leave an argument. He lived by the principle of retreat. The reality is that days are busy, and we are occupied with different responsibilities that demands our attention, and our strength are used up. Christians need to cultivate the habit of going on regular personal and corporate retreat to seek God’s face. Just like Jesus, there is a need to constantly be alone with God, devoid of noise and distraction. Our time alone with God positions us to hear God speak expressly, ask for directions, instruction, and counsel, study His word, open door of revelation unto us, and in the process renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31). Dear friends, let’s seek God alone daily despite our busy schedule, communicate with Him in your hearts because that’s the seat of connection. Like Jesus, we are to develop the attitude of being comfortable to be alone with God and His word is the same for when we seek Him, we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).

Self-Reflection: How often do you retreat to be alone with God?

Action Point: Plan a personal retreat and be faithful to it!

Daily Confession: Lord I receive strength for the journey ahead and grace to be alone with You in order to seek You. Thank You Lord because You always hear me anytime I call in Jesus name.

Intercessory prayer: I pray for God’s strength for spiritual leaders in my life.

Hymn: Alone with God, the world forbidden,

Alone with God, O blest retreat!

Alone with God, and in Him hidden,

To hold with Him communion sweet.