Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 18th 2021

We Need Jesus
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 KJV
Bible Reading: Mark 10:46-52
Blind Bartimaeus, son of Timbaeus needed to receive his sight and he knew the only person who could give him his miracle was Jesus, the Son of David. He knew he needed Jesus! Fortunately for Bartimaeus, Jesus was passing by Jericho at a time when the blind man was in need of him, but a large crowd was with Jesus. Bartimaeus who begged for alms by the roadside was sensitive that something strange happening was going on around him, there were many people. He asked those around him and they told him that Jesus was passing by. Immediately, he shouted, ‘Jesus thou Son of David, have mercy on me’. Three important lessons that we must learn from this account include: first, acknowledging that we are in need of God’s help. Bartimaeus saw his unpleasant situation and he was not comfortable with it anymore. Even though he may have been in that situation for a while, he wanted to get out. Secondly, this blind man knew that to get out of his unpleasant situation, he needed a higher power. He needed a divine intervention for his story to change. Several people might be in a similar situation as him but may not know what to do for their story to change. The third lesson from this story is that Bartimaeus took a deliberate step in order to reach his miracle, he cried out to Jesus for help and he ran towards Jesus. This man forsook his old garment, his past in order to embrace the new future that God had for him and he got his desired miracle.
Daily Confession: Father, as I forsake my old ways, help me to embrace your plan and purpose for my life.
Intercessory Prayer: Pray for God’s intervention in countries encountering natural disasters
Hymn: Jesus is looking for thee,
Jesus is looking for thee,
Sweet is the message today,
Jesus is looking for thee.