Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
September 15th 2023

When God is Silent (III)

I will wait for the Lord, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob, I will put my trust in him. Isaiah 8:17 (NIV)

Bible Reading: Habakkuk 2:1

Sin breaks covenant, causes God to be silent, brings delay and even blockage from hearing God. Also, when our will is not in resonance with God’s, when we refuse to accept God’s verdict; and when people have idols in their hearts, then God is silent.

Furthermore, God can be silent when it’s not yet His time and, in that case, God is saying “let patience have thorough work in you” (Hebrew 6:12). Divine timing is important in all things. As human beings, we are always in a hurry to get things done and to have everything. In fact, God seems too slow for many people. Until we learn to be patient, learn to listen to Him, and yield to His counsel, we are not yet ready for an answer. Remember, “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

Also, God is silent when He sees that He is not the Counselor that matters in your life. Many people seek counsel from fellow man even before asking God. While it is good and biblical that we seek godly counsel (Proverbs 11:14; Proverbs 15:22; Proverbs 24:6), God wants us to hear and know His mind on an issue first before any other person. Just like Daniel, it takes serious discipline to build a lifestyle of seeking God’s face concerning issues of life. King David learnt to seek God’s face first on any issue before asking earthly counselors. However, when he refused to seek God’s counsel in order to know God’s mind despite Joab’s counsel, king David faced the consequences (2 Samuel 24). Our motive is important in our relationship with God. If your motive isn’t right for asking, then don’t expect God to hearken to you because God knows the intent of our heart (2 Chronicles 16:9a).

In conclusion, after considering all these and God is still silent, then the only thing you need to do is simply stand in Him and wait on Him! Prayerfully wait on Him in patience because He is working something out for your good. Don’t be discouraged, don’t lose your faith and don’t change your position in Him so that you don’t delay or deny yourself of what He has planned for you. Remember, quality takes time. God bless you!

Self-Reflection: Review these lessons and examine your life again

Action Point: Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of that situation to you.

Daily Confession: Lord, thank You for your word of life. I ask for grace to wait on You and take my position in Christ Jesus. I receive the fullness of all that you have for me according to your right timing in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Intercessory prayer: I pray for clarity and wisdom to submit to your will for those seeking your face for instruction and life direction.

Hymn: He will answer every prayer

He will answer every prayer

Go to Him in faith believing

He will answer every prayer