Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
February 26th 2021
Wisdom from the Early Church (II)
Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business (Acts 6:3, KJV).
Bible Reading: Acts 6:1-8
Another wisdom we can draw from the experience of the early church is the power of unity. The twelve disciples did not response by trying to solve the problem individually and the Grecian widows did not go about gossiping. Each party worked together in a mature way. The church leadership unanimously agreed to a solution, “Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business” (Acts 6:3). Did you notice it was not mentioned who among the twelve disciple suggested this solution? Rather the Bible recorded they all said it as one. They were not leading God’s people to promote themselves but to glorify Jesus. We really need unity of the spirit in the church today like of old. May God give us a united voice so that we can work together as one in this end time.
Also, they came out with a criteria to consider when choosing the seven leaders. The qualities focus on character (honest report)and Spirit-filled and Spirit-controlled life (full of the Holy Ghost) with evidence (wisdom). They privilege spiritual credentials over earthly credentials. They were after someone who knew God and had a close walk with Him. I think the church needs to learn from this example that has been set for us to follow. When selecting or electing church leaders, the criteria outlined in our Bible reading today are the most important and should take priority. This is because spiritual leadership is first a spiritual responsibility that should be given to someone who has honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom. These qualities are God’s way of qualifying whoever He calls and the person responding to God’s call. Whether you are a pastor, a deacon, a choir member or a church member, it is important to learn these lessons and intercede for the church of God to get it right.
Daily Confession: Lord please help your church to be faithful and seek you whenever challenges arise in Jesus name.
Intercessory prayer: Pray for leaders in the church of God for wisdom and grace to be faithful stewards.
Hymn: Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Ye soldiers of the cross;
Lift high his royal banner,
It must not suffer loss.
From Victory unto victory
His army shall he lead,
Till every foe is vanished,
And Christ is Lord indeed.
The church needs to learn from the leadership of the early church.
Allow love, unity, total commitment, honesty, good report, Holy Spirit filled attributes to lead and direct us always. Lastly, watch and pray for the church leadership in this present time.
God bless us all not to be careless workers in Jesus name, amen.